Breaking Down PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is an increasingly common condition that is estimated to affect 5-10% of women of reproductive age. I see it commonly in my weight loss clinic in women who are seeking care for weight management. Despite its prevalence, many people are still unsure of what this condition entails and how it can impact those who suffer from it. In this newsletter, I’ll break down the essentials you need to know about PCOS.

What is PCOS?

This condition is characterized by an imbalance of sex hormones in the body, including heightened levels of male hormones called androgens. This hormonal imbalance can result in a variety of symptoms, including irregular periods, acne, hair loss, and weight gain. Additionally, some women with PCOS may develop small cysts on their ovaries, which can cause further complications.

Common Symptoms

One of the most common symptoms of PCOS is irregular periods. This can manifest in a variety of ways but generally means that your menstrual cycle isn’t happening as regularly as it should be. For example, you may skip periods entirely, have long gaps between periods, or have periods that last longer than usual. These irregular cycles can make it harder to conceive, which can be distressing for many women with PCOS who want to start a family.

Another major symptom of PCOS is acne and hair loss. The elevated levels of androgens in the body cause increased oil production, which can lead to skin becoming oily and clogged. Additionally, androgen levels can cause hair loss on a woman’s head while causing excess hair growth in other areas such as the face, chest, and back.

As a weight loss specialist, I commonly see PCOS-associated weight gain as elevated androgen levels in the body make it harder to lose stubborn weight. Additionally, insulin resistance is more common among women with PCOS, which can contribute to increased fat storage.

If you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS, don’t worry – there are steps you can take to manage your symptoms and your weight. This may include medications, lifestyle changes, or a combination of both. Additionally, focusing on eating whole foods and avoiding sugar and processed carbohydrates can help manage insulin resistance and reduce excess weight. Regular exercise can also be very beneficial. Lastly, seeking out support from other women with PCOS through online communities such as r/PCOS on Reddit can provide a wealth of information from women experiencing the same challenges.

The symptoms of PCOS can be confusing and challenging to manage. But with the right treatment plan and a supportive community, women with PCOS can take charge of their health and thrive.

If you suspect that you have PCOS, contact me using the link below to schedule a free 15-minute discovery call.

Best in Health,
Dr. Goldie 

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Grab a copy of my book “Perfect Pause: A Woman’s Guide to Preventing Weight Gain, Aging Gracefully and Leading Her Best Life Through Menopause

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